Thursday, January 12, 2012

Homo-Empathicus - The Empathic Civilization [MIRROR] - YouTube

Homo-Empathicus - The Empathic Civilization [MIRROR] - YouTube

War Clouds Darken: Russia Warns of US Strike on Iran | Common Dreams

War Clouds Darken: Russia Warns of US Strike on Iran | Common Dreams

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Into Law � Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

President Obama Signs Indefinite Detention Into Law � Blog of Rights: Official Blog of the American Civil Liberties Union

President Obama signs defense bill -- with objections - Jennifer Epstein -

President Obama signs defense bill -- with objections - Jennifer Epstein -

Internet 'Kill Switch' Legislation Back in Play | Threat Level |

Internet 'Kill Switch' Legislation Back in Play | Threat Level |

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Superpower Adrift in an Alien World | TomDispatch

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Superpower Adrift in an Alien World | TomDispatch: