Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: "I am Willing to Testify" If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial

Ex-Bush Official Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: "I am Willing to Testify" If Dick Cheney is Put on Trial:
From Democracy Now

How Corporate and Political Forces Have Almost Neutralized All Avenues of Resistance in US Culture | News & Politics | AlterNet

How Corporate and Political Forces Have Almost Neutralized All Avenues of Resistance in US Culture | News & Politics | AlterNet:

By Chris Hedges

Commission on Wartime Contracting

Commission on Wartime Contracting:

Reducing waste in wartime contracts - The Washington Post

Reducing waste in wartime contracts - The Washington Post:

U.S. Wasted $30 Billion on Contractors - Truthdig

U.S. Wasted $30 Billion on Contractors - Truthdig:

Cheney: I Don't Think Iraq Damaged Our Reputation Around The World | AlterNet

Cheney: I Don't Think Iraq Damaged Our Reputation Around The World | AlterNet:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Investigation Finds U.S. Drones Strike Pakistan Every Four Days, Killing 775 Civilians Since 2004

Investigation Finds U.S. Drones Strike Pakistan Every Four Days, Killing 775 Civilians Since 2004

Gears of War: Inside America's Incredible Military Arsenal - TIME

Gears of War: Inside America's Incredible Military Arsenal - TIME

An Eye-Opening Peek at the Pentagon’s Weird Budget Math - Battleland - TIME.com

An Eye-Opening Peek at the Pentagon’s Weird Budget Math - Battleland - TIME.com

21 Feb 2011: Top global arms industry increases arms sales despite ongoing recession, says SIPRI — www.sipri.org

21 Feb 2011: Top global arms industry increases arms sales despite ongoing recession, says SIPRI — www.sipri.org

U.S. Security Spending Since 9/11 - Publications - National Priorities Project

U.S. Security Spending Since 9/11 - Publications - National Priorities Project

Tomgram: Chris Hellman, The Pentagon's Spending Spree | TomDispatch

Tomgram: Chris Hellman, The Pentagon's Spending Spree | TomDispatch

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Roger Ailes and the rise of Fox News | Media | The Guardian

Roger Ailes and the rise of Fox News | Media | The Guardian

As you read this article by Tim Dickinson, note the militarism, as in this paragraph:
"Fox News did its part to make sure that viewers lined up behind those harsh measures. The network plastered an American flag in the corner of the screen, dolled up one female anchor in a camouflage-print silk blouse, and featured 
Geraldo Rivera threatening to hunt down Osama bin Laden with a pistol. The militarism even seemed to infect the culture of Fox News. "Roger Ailes is the general," declared Bill O'Reilly. "And the general sets the tone of the army. Our army is very George Patton-esque. We charge. We roll."" JFG